Sunday, November 14, 2021

2021 Major League Pickleball: Lee Whitwell MVP

Lee Whitwell World of Pickleball - MLP MVP Thank you

Lee Whitwell, 47, Named 2021 Major League Pickleball Season One MVP 

Day 1

Team Clean vs Chimeras
2:43:11 Callie Smith/Corrine Carr vs Anna Leigh Waters/Lee Whitwell
2:50:14 Highlight 2:52:11 Highlight 2:54:21 Highlight 2:55:25 Highlight 2:57:30 Highlight (Highlight Reel Work In Progress - Seeking Highlight Helpers) 2:58:00 Highlight 2:59:58 Highlight 3:02:20 Highlight 3:02:52 Highlight 3:03:28 Highlight 3:04:28 Highlight ATP

4:21:48 Lee Whitwell/AJ Koller vs Adam Stone/Corrine Carr

ATX Pickleball vs Chimeras
7:44:57 Catherine Parenteau​/Yana Grechkina vs Anna Leigh Waters/Lee Whitwell 8:27:48 Catherine Parenteau​/Tyler Loong vs AJ Koller/Lee Whitwell

Day 2

Team BLQK vs Chimeras 

2:45:15 Andrea Koop/Irina Tereschenko vs Lee Whitwell/Anna Leigh Waters 4:23:08 Andrea Koop/Rob Nunnery vs Lee Whitwell/AJ Koller

Team Rally vs Chimeras 0:05 Susannah Barr/Jessie Irvine vs Lee Whitwell/Anna Leigh Waters 1:19:12 Dylan Frazier/Susannah Barr vs Lee Whitwell/AJ Koller

Day 3

The Lions vs Chimeras 14:58 Lee Whitwell/Anna Leigh Waters vs Michelle Esquivel/Lauren Stratman 1:17:36 Lee Whitwell/AJ Koller vs Collin Johns/Michelle Esquivel 1:43:52 Singles

Lee Whitwell does it again!! She takes 4 out of 8 points against Jay Devilliers to lead the Chimeras to victory in the singles tie-breaker. They are now 5-0 and she is 10-0 in her doubles matches. Highlight Point

Chimeras vs Discovery Warriors

11:31:20 Lee Whitwell/Anna Leigh Waters vs Lea Jansen/Vivienne David
Lee Whitwell/AJ Koller vs Vivienne David/Zane Navratil (Not Recorded)

Day 4

Chimeras vs Pickleball Ranchers 4:06:47 Lee Whitwell/Anna Leigh Waters vs Leigh Waters/Lindsey Newman 5:27:32 Lee Whitwell/AJ Koller v Riley Newman/Lindsey Newman 6:02:31 Singles


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