Thursday, March 24, 2022

Mayor Of Pickleball Hyperlink List


1:08 Welcome
1:54 Thank you for keeping me up-to-date
2:23 Scapegoat 
3:21 What happened in the court room today?
4:34 How has this been for you?
5:44 Settlement 
8:08 They caused the damage
8:53 Where did you get the Sharpie?
9:42 How was it for you going to court?
11:10 The process
12:38 What was it like going to jail
14:33 I have never seen anything like this
16:09 You never met him
23:16 Are you mad?
25:08 What kind of support have you received?
25:31 Do you think they were trying to make an example out of you?
26:47 Letter
26:58 Hollad - Do you think they wanted to make an example out of the Mayor?
28:39 John Martinz
30:57 This is a Stupid Story - resources and time costs
32:42 Simone and Gizmo
33:43 Letter
41:47 What is pickleball?
43:38 Have you been back to the Central Park Rec center?
44:45 Mayors background
45:32 Go Fund Me Campaign
47:33 Final Thoughts

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