Thursday, October 12, 2023

2023 PPA Las Vegas: James Ignatowich/Hannah Johns Interview

Recovering and Reflecting: James Ignatowich on Injury, Improvement, and the Future of Pickleball

James Ignatowich may have rolled his ankle at the PPA Las Vegas Open, but his positive spirit remains uninjured. The rising pickleball star sat down with podcast host Hannah Johns this week to reflect on the ups and downs of his year on tour, including the “drama in Las Vegas,” his strategies for continued improvement, and his predictions for where the sport of pickleball is heading next.

Though disappointed to withdraw from the mixed doubles final with girlfriend Anna Bright due to his ankle injury, Ignatowich emphasized feeling “lucky to be here” making money playing the sport he loves. Between lighthearted jokes about his fame compared to Bright’s (“I'm still the second most famous person in this apartment”), Ignatowich spoke candidly about keeping his competitive drive alive amid newfound financial security, reminisced on standout matches from the last year, and explained why he believes pickleball is poised for great things ahead - if paddle manufacturers make some equipment changes.

Through it all, the 23-year-old’s contagious enthusiasm for the game shone through. “Pickleball is everything for me right now,” he said.

1. Ankle Roll (0:08)

Ignatowich walked Johns through the “drama in Las Vegas,” beginning with a lighthearted account of how he sustained a severe ankle sprain mid-match at the PPA Las Vegas Open.

“It was 10-9 in the first game - me and Matt were down I think - and DJ hit like an off-speed forehand, speed up to my backhand and I hit him with it...but then right as I did that, like my ankle rolled,” he recounted.

Though disappointing, Ignatowich took pride in hitting the winning shot for the point despite his injury. “The fact that I bagged DJ while hurting my ankle is my favorite part about it,” he said.

2. Doctor's Advice (1:50)

Ignatowich shared that his trainer diagnosed the injury as a grade two ankle sprain involving some tearing of the ligaments. He was advised he’d likely need five or six weeks of recovery time.

Johns asked whether braces or supports could help stabilize the ankle for playing. Ignatowich acknowledged needing to be more open to his trainer’s advice on taping and bracing. “I’m not good at listening,” he admitted. “You just have to ask Anna - she’s got the list of everything I need to do.”

3. Ankle Braces (2:39)

While supportive bracing could help, Ignatowich didn’t see it as a complete solution for enabling him to perform at his best on court.

4. Is Anna Taking Care Of You? (3:06)

“She’s taking care of me too much I’m like leave me alone,” Ignatowich joked when asked whether Bright was nursing him during his recovery.

He explained that she had just been there but left, presumably to get him food. “It’s one perfect thing about being hurt - the partner comes through,” Johns replied.

5. Emotions: Injury, MxD Final (3:33)

Ignatowich described mixed feelings about having to withdraw from the mixed doubles final alongside Bright.

“It was tough because it’s like I had gotten through the matches that I was like supposed to win so then like all the pressure was off,” he explained. Reaching the final stage felt freeing - “now it’s just like I can have fun, like play my game.”

But the ankle injury prevented him from competing at his best against the top teams. “I really wanted to play through it,” he shared. Ultimately though, “I’m already lucky to be here so I’m just gonna, you know, let Ben and Anna Leigh have the win this time.”

6. Measure Of Success (5:01)

When Johns asked Ignatowich to reflect on when he feels satisfied with his performance, he acknowledged a mental shift.

“Two years ago I was so generally unsatisfied with my life...I was like okay well I just started playing pickleball and I love pickleball and if I could just do this for a living instead of a 9 to 5, I would just be so happy,” he recalled.

Now that he’s making money playing professionally, Ignatowich confessed “it’s tough because so much of my motivation to get better before came from that sense of insecurity.” Maintaining drive amid newfound financial security has become a “worthy challenge.”

7. Loss Of Hunger, Not Eating Ice Cream (7:31)

Though finding more satisfaction lately, Ignatowich emphasized he can’t let himself get too comfortable. “I want to keep working hard. I want to keep doing the right things,” he said.

When Johns suggested he could probably have some ice cream once in a while, Ignatowich laughed. “I know...but that’s the thing, that’s the challenge,” he said. “And it’s almost easier to work hard when you’re so motivated by just really not wanting to work a 9 to 5.”

8. Contracts (8:45)

Ignatowich acknowledged his improved financial standing, alluding to the multi-year MLP contract. “It’s like a three year deal - like everybody’s on that,” he said. “I’m at a point where I’m making money playing pickleball.”

Still, he emphasized this security wouldn’t cause him to get complacent. “Don’t let the sponsors hear this,” he joked.

9. Playing With Matt Wright (9:21)

Shifting topics, Ignatowich enthused about getting to play with veteran Matt Wright in Las Vegas.

“I always wanted to play doubles like that,” he said, referencing Wright’s aggressive, high-energy style. “Him being 47 years old and he’s just like, you know, it’s incredible, like his hands are so good.”

Ignatowich shared funny stories about Wright’s relentless competitiveness on court. “He’s talking trash - it’s awesome.”

10. Future Partner Plans (11:54)

Looking ahead, Ignatowich aims to play most of 2024 with Wright, honoring their prior commitment. But he still wants to partner sometimes with Tyson McGuffin, with whom he achieved major wins this year.

“We gotta run it back,” he said, while acknowledging, “it’s a weird situation.” He plans to play at least seven tournaments with McGuffin in 2024.

11. One Of The Top Two Moments Of My Life (13:08)

Reminiscing on standout performances from 2023, Ignatowich recalled his epic mixed doubles comeback win with McGuffin at the TOC as “one of the top two moments in my life.”

He vividly recounted the final point, where he hit “the tightest drop of my life,” then raced to cover both sides of the court after McGuffin lost track of the ball.

“I hit like a 360 reset come back towards the middle - I don't even know how to hit resets by the way,” he emphasized, describing his shocked elation when they won.

12. Who Is Going To Play With Sock? (17:12)

When asked if he knew yet who emerging tennis star Jack Sock might partner with, Ignatowich claimed ignorance.

“I don’t really have any friends,” he joked. “At these tournaments I don't really talk to anybody. I'm known for that - it’s like a meme.”

He’d heard rumors of Sock potentially playing with Riley Newman but said he truly had no inside information.

13. Sock In Mixed (18:44)

Though unsure of Sock’s mens doubles plans, Ignatowich predicted he could rapidly become one of the top mixed doubles players.

“I think he's really good. I think Sock could five [in mens.]” But Sock’s tennis background may make mixed an easier transition, Ignatowich posited.

“I think whoever does play with him is going to be really lucky,” he concluded.

14. Riley Newman (19:30)

Ignatowich downplayed any rift with rival Riley Newman, clarifying he simply enjoys competing against him more than teaming up.

He expressed regret about engaging in excessive “chirping” of Newman during a recent match. “I think I went a little too far,” he admitted.

But he emphasized that Newman can handle it. Ultimately, “on my end there’s totally not [any hard feelings]. I think he’s the man.”

15. Christian Alshon (22:55)

Similarly, though he and Christian Alshon have a joking beef, Ignatowich tipped his hat to Alshon’s skills.

Noting Alshon and Tyra Black handed Newman and Jessie Irvine a rare upset loss in Las Vegas, Ignatowich praised their talent. “They’re getting better so kind of motivates me too.”

16. James Ignatowich and Anna Bright (24:47)

Johns noted search interest in Ignatowich remains eclipsed by interest in his girlfriend Bright, a statistical fact he accepted with humor.

“I’m still the second most famous person in this apartment,” he joked. “I gotta get some better mens results so I can just get out of that shadow.”

17. Other Top Search Questions: Tennis, Home Town, Height (25:27)

Beyond his partnership with Bright, search interest in Ignatowich centers on his tennis background, hometown, and height, Johns shared.

Ignatowich described being a top junior who ultimately lost motivation for tennis amid social life at Vanderbilt University. Though his skills peaked around age 15, he emphasized pickleball now has his full commitment.

Johns then asked the burning question about the source of Ignatowich’s 6’2” stature. With both parents tall, Ignatowich credited primarily his 6’4” father’s genes.

18. Where Pickleball Is Riding In Your Car (29:02)

When asked how pickleball ranks among his current priorities, Ignatowich emphatically declared it “in the front seat... Pickleball is everything for me right now.”

He contrasted his lackadaisical approach to college tennis with the “really intense” training regimen he now follows focused entirely on excelling at pickleball.

19. 2 vs 1 In Florida (30:57)

Ignatowich shared that his recent pickleball training in Florida has included playing 2 vs. 1 against lower ranked doubles teams.

He explained it helps prepare him for the pressures of mixed doubles. “It’s good for my confidence, feel great about myself, you know, beating two guys at once,” he said.

20. MxD Strategies (31:58 )

Discussing keys to challenging dominate mixed teams like Johns-Waters, Ignatowich focused more on continuing to develop his own skills versus specific tactics.

“There’s just so much more room to improve with so many different things,” he said, citing serves, returns, and dinking as areas for growth. “It kind of depends on me...becoming as good as I could be.”

21. Split Steps (33:33)

Laughing off Johns’ tongue-in-cheek suggestion that more split steps could be the “magic” strategy for his mixed success, Ignatowich admitted his ankle misfortune was sadly ironic.

“I’ve had a few people text me like dude you got to stop moving your feet so much, that’s why you sprained your ankle,” he confessed. While making light, he acknowledged the feedback.

22. Playing For A Year And A Half (34:41)

Ignatowich embraced Johns’ praise of his rapid development, though he noted he’s still early in his pickleball journey in the grand scheme - about a year and a half competing professionally.

Considering his short time in the sport, he reiterated having ample room left to get better as a player.

23. Colin’s Note Folders (36:22)

Amusingly, Ignatowich shared inside information that Colin Johns is idolized by his Florida-based friends, who have been bitten by the pickleball bug.

“It’s funny because one of them’s a lefty and the other two are righties who just only like playing the right side,” he described. “Their idol is Colin. I’m not joking - like I’ve actually got a picture of my friend, Dave, and Colin at MLP.”

He insisted their fandom is genuine, not tongue-in-cheek. “They’re just infatuated with Colin.”

24. The Future Of Pickleball (36:48)

Gazing into pickleball’s future, Ignatowich predicted rallies growing even longer at the professional mens level as players’ skill improves.

“If you watch Ben and Colin play JW and Dylan, those are the two best teams, the rallies are so long,” he noted.

To enhance viewer appeal, Ignatowich advocates restricting paddle power. “I think there should be a limit on the amount of power a paddle can create,” he opined. Softer paddles would encourage more exciting firefight rallies.

25. I’ll Sign Your “More Fun To Watch” Petition (40:42)

Johns agreed wholeheartedly with the merits of Ignatowich’s “more fun to watch” propostaL To create a product with maximum spectator appeal, adjustments promoting lively back-and-forth exchanges just make sense.

“You can count me in, I’ll sign your petition,” she pledged.


Injured but upbeat, James Ignatowich offered engaging reflections on his dramatic 2023 season, skill growth, and partnership prospects during the PPA Tour interview this week. Ever passionate about pickleball, Ignatowich also shared an intriguing vision for refining the professional game to heighten viewer entertainment.

Through funny anecdotes and thoughtful insights, Ignatowich displayed a contagious spirit. Still considered an up-and-comer, he continues striving to maximize his potential in the budding pickleball arena.

Host Hannah Johns summed up Ignatowich’s appeal and promise: “There’s a reason why Matt was Ben’s first choice...No one can ever say that Matt is not a very supportive partner. Ben loves playing with him so all this checks out with what we know about [James] too...I think there’s a lot of other fun stuff in here possibly even more exciting than the injury.”

0:08 Ankle Roll 1:50 Doctor's Advice 2:39 Ankle Braces 3:06 Is Anna taking care of you? 3:33 Emotions: Injury, MxD Final 5:01 Measure Of Success 7:31 Loss Of Hunger, Not Eating Ice Cream 8:45 Contracts 9:21 Playing with Matt Wright 11:54 Future Partner Plans 13:08 One Of The Top Two Moments Of My Life 17:12 Who is going to play with Sock? 18:44 Sock in Mixed 19:30 Riley Newman 22:55 Christian Alshon 24:47 James Ignatowich and Anna Bright 25:27 Other Top Search Questions: Tennis, Home Town, Height 29:02 Where is Pickleball riding in your car? 30:57 2V1's In Florida 31:58 MxD Strategies 33:33 Split Steps 34:41 Playing for one and a half years 36:22 Collin's Note Folders 36:48 The Future Of Pickleball 40:42 I'll Sign Your "More Fun To Watch" Petition

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