Friday, October 13, 2023

Eddie and Webby Podcast 68 - Jennifer Lucore & Alex Hamner


The Dynamic Duo: Jennifer Lucore and Alex Hamner Reflect on Pickleball Journey

Exclusive Interview Reveals Secrets of the Game's Most Successful and Entertaining Pair

They've been called the "Queens of Pickleball." With unmatched chemistry on the court and infectious joy off it, Jennifer Lucore and Alex Hamner have dominated women's doubles for over a decade. Their unprecedented four consecutive Open National titles cemented them as legends.

Yet beyond the titles, "Jenn and Alex" are beloved ambassadors who graciously welcome each new wave of rising stars. In an exclusive interview with recreational players turned podcast hosts Eddie and Webby, the champion duo reflected on their origin story, keys to their partnership, and fondest memories along the way.

Getting Started in Pickleball (9:40)

Like many top players, Jennifer and Alex arrived at pickleball by chance after successful tennis careers. "I got into it because of my parents, who've played since 1995," explained Jennifer. "For years my brother and I made fun of them for playing this game with the silly name!" But around 2009, she finally tried pickleball and was hooked.

Alex first heard about the odd-sounding sport from a friend whose in-laws played. When Jennifer invited her to try it around 2010, Alex agreed - launching a championship pairing. "Once there was a tournament that offered prize money, we were sold!" she joked. Though initially tempting for the prizes, their shared passion for pickleball long outlasted the payouts.

The Keys to Partnership Longevity (12:25)

In a sport where partnerships shuffle frequently, Jenn and Alex have remained not only partners but close friends. Asked to explain this longevity, Alex shared, "We met 20 years ago playing tennis and just never stopped playing as a team." Rather than strategic calculation, their partnership emerged organically from a foundation of mutual trust and support.

That doesn't mean they don't push each other, however. Jenn described their constructive criticism, often leavened with humor: "We can be honest and might say 'Hey, pull your head out!' or 'Your dinking apex looks a little off...' We just make fun of each other, but it works." This balance of candor and lightheartedness epitomizes their special chemistry.

Favorite Tournaments and Memorable Matches (15:28)

With so many major events on the pickleball calendar, hosts Eddie and Webby asked Alex and Jennifer to name their most anticipated tournament. Alex cited the US Open: "It's just an overall fun atmosphere." Jennifer chose National Championships for its history and family feel. Yet both agreed every tournament offers memorable moments with friends - wins are just the icing.

One epic victory Jennifer recalled was the 2015 National Mixed Doubles title with Chris Miller, a fellow pickleball pioneer. Their compatible skill sets and scrappy teamwork earned them the gold. Alex also reminisced about a comeback win with young gun Tyler Loong at the 2019 US Open. Though seeded low as a senior/junior duo, they battled from the loser's bracket to shock younger opponents and make the podium.

Secrets of Their Success: Partnership, Positivity, and Humor (41:15)

Asked by hall of famer Mark "Yoda" Friedenberg to reveal their secrets for gelling so smoothly as partners, Jenn and Alex struggled to pinpoint any strategy beyond their natural chemistry. "We just got lucky we met 20 years ago and never stopped playing as a team," said Alex. Jennifer agreed: "From day one, pickleball was always our fun place to leave everything behind. We keep that spirit on the court."

This shared positive mindset allows them to weather ups and downs. "If you get in a hole, we joke our way out of it," Jenn described. "The important thing is having fun out there together." Alex added that avoiding negativity is crucial: "Who you play with never helps. We've never had that." In the end, their "secret" boils down to genuine friendship and love of playing together - a priceless combo.

Entertaining On and Off the Court (45:08)

Jennifer's parents recalled her pumped-up pre-match music blasting across tourney parking lots. "We have the same playlist for years - the Black Eyed Peas, 'Let's Get It Started,' to get fired up," Jennifer confessed. Alex added their musical rituals extend beyond the car: "We'll stop at the grocery store at 11pm and do a photo shoot in the pickle aisle!"

This humor carries over to the court, where opponents are frequent targets of the duo's legendary pranks. They reminisced about "tricking" legend Simone Jardim into thinking they were starstruck fans who got her autograph on a plane. Only later did she learn it was them joking around all along. "We're probably too old to be such jokesters," laughed Jennifer, though their antics prove age is just a number.

Paying It Forward: Mentoring the Next Generation (54:37)

Despite their competitive fire, Alex and Jennifer always make time to encourage up-and-comers. Fellow pro Tyler Loong credited Alex for first mentoring him when he was a rookie. "She pretty much taught me everything I know!" he joked. Alex downplayed her role but praised Tyler's talent and versatility. "Playing with the younger crowd like Tyler is a lot of fun - he's got so much game."

Seeing seniors like Alex holding their own against younger players motivated Jennifer too: "It was so awesome for the senior crowd that we could hang with the under-50 teams and win. It just shows we can always get better in this sport." After a decade at the top, the pair still relish inspiring the next wave.

Preserving Pickleball History (57:16)

Chris Miller's quiz for Jennifer about her first gold medal paddle highlighted the duo's deep roots in pickleball history. Though hazy on the exact tournament, Jennifer fondly recalled being gifted custom paddles from Miller and other pioneering players. To her, the vintage paddles represent how far the sport has come.

This interest motivated Jennifer to co-author The History of Pickleball: More Than 50 Years of Fun with her mother, ensuring the game's origins don't get lost. "I got on my knees and kissed the original pickleball court, because when you love something, you appreciate its history," she said. Jennifer encouraged players to email treasured stories to her for possible inclusion in future editions.

Lasting Friendships (1:02:37)

Asked by Simone Jardim to recall favorite road trip memories, Alex and Jennifer focused on the people behind the moments. Jennifer described her parents welcoming Alex into the family decades ago. Alex gave a shoutout to Jennifer's mom for tolerating their loud pre-tourney tunes. They reminisced about fellow tennis converts fueling pickleball's growth through their shared passion.

"It's all about having fun and meeting people - we don't have time for crabby ones!" summarized Jennifer. Alex agreed: "We appreciate everyone who's watched us over the years. It's about more than winning." Though championships cemented their status, the joyful friendships pickleball brought are their real prizes.

The Perfect Pairing

In the end, Alex and Jennifer's "secret" is that after years of laughter, pranks, and paddles shared on the road, their partnership is no longer about pickleball alone. By embracing joy on and off the court, they exemplify that camaraderie and community can be the greatest reward of all. Win or lose, their enthusiasm for the sport - and more importantly for each other - is what makes them true champions.

4:15 Interview begins 9:40 How did you get into Pickleball? 12:25 Favoriate victory Pros asking Pros 15:28 Besides Pickleball, what do you guys enjoy doing? (Rusty Howes, Executive Producer and creator of The Pickleball Channel) 17:14 Favoriate tournament (Wesley Gabrielsen) 19:08 Favoriate drill (Wesley Gabrielsen) 22:24 Favoriate tournament snack (Wesley Gabrielsen) 25:17 What strategy can players use against an attacking, power team? Drills? (Christine Barksdale) 29:47 Do you ever get anxious and excited playing against a player that has a name for themselves? (Steve Paranto) 32:39 What drills do you do to improve your game? Secrets? (Steve Paranto) 36:48 Memorial Locations? (Joe Valenti) 41:15 What is your secret to "gelling together? Why are you so sucessful? When you are down, what do you say to tell each eather? Do you talk strategies? Tell jokes to relieve the tension? Let us know your secrets to chamionship play. (Mark "Yoda" Friedenberg) 45:08 What is your music playlist? (Bob and Bev Youngren) 50:51 Jennifer: What was it like playing with Chris Miller? (Irina Tereschenko) 53:07 Alex: Did you teach Tyler Loong how to Erne? (Irina Tereschenko) 54:37 Alex: Do you have a fond memory of playing against each other? (Chris Miller) 57:16 Jennifer: You won a gold medal with this "Champion" paddle. Do you remember what year it was and who it was with?(Chris Miller) 1:02:37 Share stories on the road (Simone Jardim)

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