Monday, January 22, 2024

Episode 55: Three Quick Tips to Change Your Game


Fun and Games: Fort Wayne Couple Finds Work-Life Balance Through Pickleball Podcast

Married podcast hosts use their shared hobby to build community while juggling family and career chaos

In the world of niche hobby podcasts, Fort Wayne-based “1 More Game” stands out with its endearing balance of goofy family banter and genuine passion for the fast-growing sport of pickleball. Hosted by husband-and-wife team Matt and Abby Brandenberger, both 40, each episode gives listeners a lively peek into the couple’s hilariously hectic life as parents of five daughters while illuminating their wholehearted devotion for spreading pickleball joy.

Through quippy dialogue filled with sarcasm and affection, the Brandenbergers model how to nurture a healthy marriage alongside the demands of building a club community around their shared interest. Yet at its core, the podcast simply offers fellow busy parents hope through proving it’s possible to balance family, faith and pickleball while maintaining perspective through a sense of humor.

  1. Abby Left Matt for 3 Days (2:11)

In their latest episode, Matt shares that the previous week marked the “culmination” of chaos for them, especially since Abby had left him alone with their five daughters for three whole days while she drove to Miami with a friend. The ostensible purpose of their Florida roadtrip was to transport a dog by plane to Puerto Rico (since flying out of the frigid Midwest in winter would apparently lead to the animal's demise). Yet Matt suspects Abby may have primarily “just want[ed] to go to Miami for a day.”

  1. Fort Wayne ACE Pickleball Club Opens (3:36)

Meanwhile during Abby’s absence, Matt was tasked with opening the new Ace Pickleball Club in Fort Wayne. He expects an initial “adjustment period” around membership play at the pay-to-play club, especially compared to the previous system that allowed large group reservations. Matt foresees inevitable “growing pains” as players of varied skill levels are forced to mix on the courts rather than segregate by ability. Nonetheless, he remains convinced the club community will learn to “embrace who you’re playing with” despite clashing play styles or tension between elite and novice members. (TV News Report)

  1. Acting General Manager (4:59)

As current acting general manager, Matt has already fielded complaints from both lower-skilled and highly competitive players about the other group’s perceived hostility during mixed play at the new club. Yet he believes resolving these conflicts will require mutual grace and patience on both sides. Matt further points members to see monthly membership fees as justification for sometimes “paying it forward” by enduring less than ideal playing partners for the greater good. “Be willing to spend some time on a court with maybe people who aren’t ideal for you,” he urges.

  1. Abby's ACL Video Goes Viral Again (6:04)

In an amusing tangent, Abby shares that a previous viral ACL injury video has mysteriously regained internet fame with a recent reposting. Apparently the post has sparked some ruthlessly judgmental comments on her athleticism and fitness level. Yet true to her own self-deprecating sense of humor, Abby seems entertained rather than offended by the unsolicited criticism on her mishap.

  1. Shout Out To Jackie Kawamoto (7:56)

Transitioning topics to share positive stories about member interactions, Matt relays a glowing shout-out to Jackie Kawamoto, an esteemed professional female player who recently spent time playing at ACE. He raves over Jackie’s exceptional skill level potentially rivaling the current #2 pro female player, while emphasizing her genuine warmth and graciousness to players of all abilities at the club. Proving his point, Matt shares sweet anecdotes of Jackie happily snapping photos and engaging with starstruck staff and members who approached her as an idol during visits to the Fort Wayne club.

  1. Pickleball Rocks! (9:22)

Skipping abruptly again to more somber matters, the couple shares vulnerable details about their personal connection as investors to the recent fraud allegations around popular pickleball paddle and apparel supplier, Pickleball Rocks. Beyond their own significant financial loss when the company suddenly dissolved last month amid accusations of misused investment funds, the Brandenbergers express deep empathy for fellow Christian investors who trusted the seemingly reputable business only to lose their own substantial savings in its shocking collapse.

  1. Pro Tip (14:17)

Shifting tone, Abbyt lightens the mood by sharing two tactical pickleball tips for players hoping to improve their game. First, he suggests thoughtfully honing court positioning strategy based on ball placement. Specifically, he advises players to “guard your line” whenever the ball lands in front of you while conversely “guarding the middle” when forced to return balls from wider diagonal angles. He’s discovered consciously implementing this strategic guideline helps her cover the court with less exhausting movement.

Matt's second tip comes from observing professional player Jackie Kawamoto’s techniques up close during their training sessions. He notes her exceptional ability to play low balls with deep knee bends (envying her youthful flexibility) along with her knack for aiming reset shots crosscourt, allowing for higher clears with bigger margins above the net.

  1. Getting Low (16:50)

Elaborating on strategic insights gleaned from Jackie, Matt emphasizes her remarkably low ready position, accomplished through deep squatting used to explode upwards on low shots. By comparison, he confesses most amateur players stand overly upright by habit, limiting reach on such lowpickups. While the average weekend warrior may not realistically achieve Jackie’s limbo-like range of motion, Matt encourages players to simply “get lower” than their current comfort zone even moderately to expand overall ball retrieval.

  1. New Thoughts (17:41)

Transitioning, Abby references her tendency to implement brand-new strategic experiments during casual recreational play sessions rather than simply relying on engrained stroke habits. Whether intentionally aiming all reset shots crosscourt as mentioned earlier or some other targeted tactic, Abby enjoys selecting a specific skill to hone in real-time scenarios, without explicitly announcing her focus area to partners beforehand. Matt endorses the concept of choosing a single pickleball “thought” heading into social play as a way to expand skills through mindful effort.

  1. What Do We Love (18:32)

Closing out the podcast with their signature sign-off highlighting gratitude, Matt first expresses appreciation for Abby’s exceptional support during his stressful week spent problem-solving other shared business challenges. Matt then pokes gentle fun by over dramatically lauding Abby’s youthful beauty, inspired by the random resurfacing of a terrible decades-old picture of her in his phone’s on-device storage. Ultimately the couple concludes that despite nonstop chaos and responsibilities currently exacerbated by their pickleball venture, their partnership remains firmly grounded in steadfast love and faith as the foundation.

With a quirky yet irresistible charm, episodes like this provide a reassuring twenty-minute respite for fellow busy parent-types seeking inspiration that they aren’t alone in the daily juggling act required to pursue personal goals while raising a family. Give “1 More Game” podcast a listen during your next car ride for a healthy dose of comic relief mixed with authentic community around a common hobby - you may just discover pickleball can in fact help restore life’s balance with a large side of fun.

Time Code List

0:00 Introduction 1.21 Abby Left Matt for 3 days 2:08 Fort Wayne ACE Pickleball Club Opens 3:22 Acting General Manager 4:43 Abby's ACL Video Goes Viral Again 5:36 Shout Out To Jackie Kawamoto 8:07 Pickleball Rocks! 12:34 Pro Tips 15:11 Getting Low 16:28 New Thoughts 16:56 What do we love

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