Sunday, January 14, 2024

Komie's Homies Pickleball Podcast: Zane Navratil talks Tour Wars



Komie and Carr Welcome Pickleball Maverick to Debut Podcast

Zane Navratil Opens Up About His Journey From Small-Town Tennis Star to Pickleball Fame


In the world of professional pickleball, few names command as much attention as Zane Navratil. The Wisconsinite with the booming serve and aggressive playing style has been at the forefront of many of the biggest stories in the sport over the past few years.

From his development of the now-infamous "Zanesaw" spin serve to his prominent role in the ongoing Tour Wars saga between the MLP and PPA, Navratil has made a habit of finding himself at the center of pickleball controversy. But underneath the bravado and brash persona lies an incredibly thoughtful and strategic mind that has propelled him to the top of the sport.

I recently had the pleasure of listening to Navratil's appearance on the inaugural episode of the "Komie's Homies" podcast, hosted by David Komie and Sam Carr. Over the course of an insightful 70+-minute discussion, Navratil peeled back the layers on his origin story and offered some fascinating perspectives on the current state of professional pickleball.

Speaking with his trademark candor, Navratil described his journey from small-town tennis stud to global pickleball phenomenon. Growing up in rural Wisconsin, he dominated the state's high school tennis scene, claiming three individual state titles. He received a scholarship to play D-3 tennis at Wisconsin-Whitewater, where he was an All-American.

But it was pickleball that truly captured Navratil's athletic imagination. He quickly realized that his skills translated perfectly from tennis to the smaller court and paddle of pickleball. His compact strokes, ability to take the ball early, and tennis-honed touch made him an immediate force on the professional tour.

The rest, as they say, is history. Since transitioning to pickleball full-time in 2019, Navratil has assembled a truly remarkable resume, including an Open National title, two US Open crowns, and various MVP honors. All this at just 27 years old.

Yet despite his meteoric rise, Navratil has never been afraid to shake things up and challenge the status quo in pickleball. Whether it was his development of the spin serve, his role as one of the first players to sign with the upstart MLP tour, or his current hardline stance against proposed MLP player pay cuts, Navratil has always colored outside the lines.

  1. 0:22, Komie: What do you think about what's going on with the MLP contracts. Feel free to give background history, Zane Navratil provided background on the current turmoil in professional pickleball, centered around Major League Pickleball (MLP) asking players to take significant pay cuts despite inflated contracts being signed just months earlier. He explained the vastly different treatment of MLP vs Professional Pickleball Association players, with PPA members taking smaller cuts from much larger contracts.
  2. 1:57, MLP/PPA Signing War. How are the two tours being handled?, Further examining the contract issues, Navratil highlighted the bidding war between MLP and PPA that led to inflated deals, with PPA contracts dwarfing early MLP agreements. However PPA players are now facing smaller pay cut requests. He argued the current situation is grossly inequitable.
  3. 3:28, Trust, Navratil credited MLP founder Steve Kuhn with earning significant trust and loyalty among early joiners like himself, thanks Kuhn's support for players and love for growing the sport. He suggested this distinguishes MLP from other tours.
  4. 4:40, Steve Kuhn - a players businessman, Echoing the themes of trust and supporting players, Navratil described Kuhn as always operating in good faith towards athletes, distinguishing him from other tour heads viewed primarily as business executives.
  5. 6:35, Zane Navratil: How well do you know Steve?, Navratil reminisced fondly about his personal relationship with Kuhn, tracing it back to local play before MLP was formed. He reiterated viewing Kuhn as a genuine advocate for players and the sport overall.
  6. 7:32, David Komie: Did Connor Pardoe contact MLP to try and get the contracts down?, Surprisingly, Navratil revealed rival PPA CEO Connor Pardoe has directly reached out to some MLP players about taking contract reductions. He suggested this exemplifies unethical tactics from Pardoe, in contrast to his view of Kuhn.
  7. 8:00, Zane Navratil: Why do you think Connor is talking to MLP players?, For his part, Navratil argues Pardoe is overstepping bounds by meddling with competitor contracts. He believes Pardoe feels emboldened by current MLP turmoil to pursue such tactics.
  8. 9:05, Terms of the contract are changed through an email, Continuing examples of MLP contract issues, Navratil noted cases of salary increases being agreed through email addendums but now not being honored. He questioned the legality of this.
  9. 12:56, David Komie: 200 vs 120 days, Discussing proposed playing requirements, Navratil acknowledged need for pay cuts but feels the structures unfairly target players who showed MLP loyalty. Even reduced schedules could allow forced appearances.
  10. 17:24, Breaking the letter of intent, Navratil defended Kuhn withdrawing from early PPA merger agreement given dramatic increases in team values. He argued Kuhn had little choice given vastly changed circumstances.
  11. 24: 32, Merging PPA/MLP may not be the best move, Navratil referenced communication from player/owner Travis rm suggesting stopping the merger might benefit MLP owners and players. rm feels structures would be hard to integrate.
  12. 26:14, Is the audience large enough to support the tours, While allowing current contracts likely exceed fan interest, Navratil believes backers expect fans and revenue to catch up as participation grows. He doesn't expect financial failure.
  13. 27:36, Audience Numbers, Navratil acknowledges pickleball viewership still lags many other sports and players are overpaid relative to current fans. But he expects greater awareness as more recreational players get hooked.
  14. 28:59, Paddles, Shifting topics, Carr asked Navratil's thoughts on controversial paddles seemingly stretching equipment rules. But he avoided firm opinions, suggesting the sport itself needs to better determine desired limits.
  15. 30:51, Rules Can Be Changed,
    While defending innovator Raphael Fontaine, Navratil conceded pickleball authorities can always change regulations on paddles if deemed necessary. But he warned against targeting single manufacturers.
  16. 31:19, Live Stream Numbers, Discussing building audiences and revenue again, Navratil illustrated pickleball's current modest streaming draw compared even to non-sport entertainment. This demonstrated significant room for growth.
  17. 32:35, It's boring,
    Agreeing pickleball often lacks excitement for casual viewers, especially doubles, Navratil echoed the common complaint it can be boring without understanding nuanced strategy.
  18. 33:16, Poppy Paddles, Continuing paddle and play style debate, Navratil worries newer powerful paddle technology could discourage the aggression fans may prefer, by overly penalizing mistakes. Faster rallies may be needed.
  19. 34:20, 3rd Shot Drives,
    As a gateway to fan interest, Navratil theorized recreational players need sufficient skills like third shot drops to appreciate and understand pro strategy. This base comprehension unlocks watcher excitement.
  20. 35:12, Entertainment, Further championing dynamics and action suited for viewers, Navratil explicitly stated pickleball must embrace an entertainment mindset in shot selection, power and scoring if it wants to attract fans, advertisers and ultimately revenue.
  21. 36:00, An innovator of the sport - spin serve, Recognizing him as a preeminent innovator, Komie asked Navratil to recap developing the spin serve. He traces early experimentation with friend Simone Jardim, circumventing early ban attempts.
  22. 39:40, Fun Theory, Lightening the mood, Carr recounted Navratil's pink ball trick to sneak his girlfriend into a tennis tournament. Navratil embraced his guile and rules lawyering, suggesting he missed a calling as attorney.
  23. 40:46 He hardest shot in the pickleball, When asked the toughest pickleball shot, Navratil nominated resetting - sharply reversing pace on an opponent's slam - which contrasts with beginners obsessed with drop shots. Timing and precision make it extraordinarily difficult.
  24. 41:14, Haters,
    On dealing with pickleball "haters," especially from tennis, Navratil shrugs off ubiquitous mocking YouTube comments questioning the sport and athletes. He takes them in stride as popularity grows.
  25. 42:30, The plan to make pickleball bigger, Regarding other plans to drive growth, signing ex tennis pros for name recognition and transition talent, Navratil thinks targeting their fan bases smartly exposes pickleball. Less clear if they'll become standout players.
  26. 44:13, Pro Tennis Players, Specifically on former players crossing over, beyond promotional pull Navratil thinks physicality and crisp groundstrokes best portend potential pickleball success. He named compact power hitters like Jack Sock ideally suited.
  27. 45:13, John McEnroe signed a paddle deal, Though not confirmed, Navratil relayed rumors tennis legend John McEnroe signed a significant paddle sponsorship deal, further indicating wider credibility.
  28. 46:18, The Owl Paddle, Intriguingly, that paddle manufacturer incorporates felt and other unusual materials. Navratil enjoys using their product but wonders if tournament legal under texture testing.
  29. 47:27, Zane's MLP Contract, After covering numerous issues, Komie circled back to Navratil's personal Major League Pickleball contract. He states he won't reduce his current salary despite supporting cuts in principle, objecting to unfair negotiation tactics.
  30. 50:11, Now that Steve is gone, does MLP feel different,
    With Kuhn exiting MLP, Navratil no longer recognizes player supportive ethos from earlier regime. He feels current leadership specifically targets and punishes loyal contributors like himself.
  31. 51:29, The APP, Shifting tours, co-hosts and Navratil discussed the lower profile but resilient Association of Pickleball Professionals. Despite past instability Navratil praises their organizational commitment to sustainable operations and positive player relations.
  32. 56:55, Zane: I have a bold opinion, In a fearless prediction, Navratil anticipates new competing pickleball tours arising in the near future to challenge MLP and PPA amidst realignment. He expects further upheaval.
  33. 57:45, Minor League Pickleball,
    One concrete example Navratil floated for fresh pickleball iteration is Minor League Pickleball, created by Steve Kuhn under the DUPR umbrella. Traction could indicator wider openings.
  34. 58:54, PPA Vibe Merch, More whimsically, harkening failed startup league Vibe, Navratil playfully envisioned selling their abandoned merchandise as collectibles. 


Throughout the wide-ranging podcast interview, Navratil brought listeners inside some of the most pressing issues in professional pickleball.

He offered thoughtful perspectives on the ongoing turmoil surrounding attempts at a merger between the PPA and MLP tours. Navratil made clear his staunch refusal to accept the 40% pay cut proposed by the MLP unless more equitable terms are presented, especially compared to the significantly smaller cuts expected of PPA players.

Navratil also provided intriguing insights into the origins of his famous (or infamous, depending on who you ask) spin serve. He vividly described honing the serve through countless hours of practice, resulting in bloodied and blistered hands. And how rule changes by the PPA intended to outlaw his innovations only led him to uncover new serving techniques.

Additionally, Navratil dished on the traits he believes allow tennis players to successfully transition to high-level pickleball. Players like Jack Sock who rely on compact strokes and the ability to take balls early are tailor-made for excelling once switching to the smaller sport, he noted. Navratil also highlighted visionaries in the sport who focus on increasing excitement and pace of play as key ingredients to attracting wider audiences.

Throughout it all, Navratil's passion for pickleball and protecting the interests of his fellow players shone through. Say what you will about his occasionally controversial methods, but his devotion to growing the sport and questioning groupthink is admirable.

For those interested in an unfiltered look behind the curtain of professional pickleball, Navratil's appearance on the Comey Homies podcast is a must-listen. His candor and strategic mind combine to provide a one-of-a-kind glimpse into what makes one of pickleball's most intriguing figures tick. Love him or hate him, Zane Navratil is impossible to ignore. And after getting to know him better, I'm certainly even more fascinated to see what he'll do next.

YouTube Time Code List
  1. 0:22 David Komie: What do you think about what's going on with the MLP contracts. Feel free to give background history
  2. 1:57 MLP/PPA Signing War. How are the two tours being handled?
  3. 3:28 Trust
  4. 4:40 Steve Kuhn - a players businessman
  5. 6:35 Zane Navratil: How well do you know Steve?
  6. 7:32 David Komie: Did Connor Pardoe contact MLP to try and get the contracts down?
  7. 8:00 Zane Navratil: Why do you think Connor is talking to MLP players?
  8. 9:05 Terms of the contract are changed through an email
  9. 12:56 David Komie: 200 vs 120 days
  10. 17:24 Breaking the letter of intent
  11. 24: 32 Merging PPA/MLP may not be the best move
  12. 26:14 Is the audience large enough to support the tours
  13. 27:36 Audience Numbers
  14. 28:59 Paddles
  15. 30:51 Rules Can Be Changed
  16. 31:19 Live Stream Numbers
  17. 32:35 It's boring
  18. 33:16 Poppy Paddles
  19. 34:20 3rd Shot Drives
  20. 35:12 Entertainment
  21. 36:00 An innovator of the sport - spin serve
  22. 39:40 Fun Theory
  23. 40:46 The hardest shot in the pickleball
  24. 41:14 Haters
  25. 42:30 The plan to make pickleball bigger
  26. 44:13 Pro Tennis Players
  27. 45:13 John McEnroe signed a paddle deal
  28. 46:18 The Owl Paddle
  29. 47:27 Zane's MLP Contract
  30. 50:11 Now that Steve is gone, does MLP feel different
  31. 51:29 The APP
  32. 56:55 Zane: I have a bold opinion
  33. 57:45 Minor League Pickleball
  34. 58:54 PPA Vibe Merch
  35. 59:21 Zane's Tennis Background
  36. 1:01:49 Zane's Tennis Serve
  37. 1:04:31 Best Tennis Player Ever to Transition to Pickleball
  38. 1:06:24 Zanesaw
  39. 1:13:40 Airport Luggage Trick
  40. 1:14:31 David Komie: Did your parents have their hands full with you?
  41. 1:17:25 Sam: What's something that people misunderstand about you?

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