Thursday, March 7, 2024

ANDREI DAESCU on Becoming Pro


The Rise of Pickleball's Newest Superstar: Andrei Daescu's Journey to the Top

How a Former Tennis Pro Found His True Calling on the Pickleball Court

It's not every day that a professional athlete gets a second chance to chase their dreams after an injury derails their first career. But for Andrei Daescu, that's exactly what happened when he discovered the fast-growing sport of pickleball in 2016. Now, just a few years later, the 35-year-old Romanian has rapidly risen to become one of the top professional players in the game.

An Early Love of Sport Growing up in Eastern Europe, Daescu was a talented junior tennis player with visions of going pro from an early age. Those dreams were realized when he earned a scholarship to play tennis at the University of Oklahoma.

"It was a great program with fantastic facilities and an ultra-competitive environment," Daescu recalls. "The college experience at OU was everything I could have hoped for to prepare me for the pro ranks."

Turning Professional After graduating, Daescu joined the professional tennis tour and competed for four years before a nagging shoulder injury forced him to undergo surgery and step away from the game in 2015 at age 28. For most athletes, that would have been the end of their pro sporting journey. But Daescu's competitive fire still burned bright.

The Discovery of Pickleball In late 2016, while working as an instructor at a tennis club in Florida, Daescu was introduced to pickleball by some club members who had played it on a cruise ship. They encouraged Daescu and other teaching pros to join them for an exhibition doubleheader event.

"At first I was skeptical - I mean, the name 'pickleball' doesn't exactly inspire visions of elite athleticism," Daescu jokes. "But once I stepped onto that court, I was instantly hooked by the competitive rush and strategic nuances of the game. I signed up for my first tournament just a couple of weeks later."

An Ascending Talent What began as a fun new hobby rapidly turned into much more for the hyper-competitive Daescu. With his elite hand-eye coordination, blazing speed and tenacious mentality honed from years on the tennis tour, he was a natural on the pickleball court from almost the first day he picked up a paddle.

"The beautiful thing about pickleball is that while the actual motion isn't as grueling as tennis, it still demands incredible intensity, athleticism and tactical mastery at the highest levels," Daescu explains. "The skills transferred over surprisingly well for me."

As Daescu represented that similarities between the two racquet sports allowed him to rapidly improve, he began racking up tournament wins at an astounding pace across the regional and national circuits.

Joining the Pro Tour When major professional pickleball tours like the PPA Tour and Major League Pickleball were established in 2021 with bigger purses and corporate sponsorship backing, Daescu realized he had found his new calling.

"In 2019, I decided to get serious and go all-in on being a full-time pro pickleball player," he says. "Between the established tours, the prize money potential, and how much I fell in love with this game's mixture of physical stamina and strategic brilliance, it was an easy decision for me."

Since then, Daescu's stock has only continued to rise, with high-profile wins and sponsorship deals flowing in. This year, he's been arguably the hottest player on the pro circuit, currently ranked #2 in men's pro doubles after teaming up with fellow tour standout Rob this past spring.

"Andre and Rob in peak form is a combination very few teams can handle," gushes veteran broadcaster and analyst Robert Brewster. "Their complementary styles and unrelenting hustle create absolute chaos for opponents. They play an electrifying brand of pickleball."

Training for the Long Haul Though pickleball is less physically taxing than tennis, staying at the top level of any demanding pro sport requires an incredibly diligent training regimen. For Daescu, it's all about balance, consistency, and proactively managing his recovery from past injury issues.

"At home, I'll do reps anddrilling for two or three hours a day, then follow it up with conditioning, whether that's weight training, sprints or other cardio," he says. "But I'm also very strategic about taking planned rest days and doing all the little things like stretching, massage therapy, and hot/cold treatments to avoid reinjuring my shoulder or overworking my body."

Daescu has also adopted certain dietary habits to complement his training, like fueling up on potassium-rich bananas before matches to stave off cramps.

When he's on the road for major tour events, Daescu maintains a disciplined warm-up and mental preparation routine to get his mind and body locked in for peak performance. But he also acknowledges that a certain amount of nerves and adrenaline are simply part of the game at this level.

"I still get those pre-match jitters, but I've learned to embrace them and channel that intensity in a productive way," Daescu says. "Having been through so many high-pressure situations in my tennis career helps me stay composed in the brightest spotlights."

The Next Chapter So after reaching such lofty heights in his new competitive endeavor, what are Daescu's goals from here? Continued self-improvement for one - he's adamant that in the ever-evolving sport of pickleball, you can never stop tinkering with your game and mastering the latest techniques and equipment like his Proton paddle.

"The technology is changing all the time, so you always have to be working on something new, whether it's your transition game, soft angles, developing new spins and strategies," Daescu elaborates. "There's no complacency allowed if you want to stay at the peak of this sport."

Daescu also hopes to potentially showcase his talents at a big exhibition event of his own creation someday, perhaps something akin to the Laver Cup in tennis pitting regional teams against one another.

"I'd definitely want to model any hypothetical 'Daescu Open' after a team competition concept because I really enjoy the camaraderie and atmosphere of playing for something bigger than just yourself," he muses.

But above all, the driving force that pushes Daescu to max out his abilities is still that internal fire that has powered his athletic journey from Romania, to Oklahoma, to the professional ranks of two different sports - the perpetual desire to test himself against the very best.

As he succinctly puts it: "I'm in it for the long run, so every day it's about doing whatever I can to raise my level and be a part of the incredibly rapid growth of pickleball as a leading athletics."

With his combination of top-tier talent, insatiable competitive drive and love for his craft, it's hard to picture too many limits for the ceiling of Andre Daescu's blossoming pickleball career. The superstar has arrived.


Ascensiunea noii supervedete a pickleball-ului: Călătoria lui Andrei Daescu către vârf


a găsit un fost jucător profesionist de tenis adevărata sa chemare pe terenul de pickleball

Nu în fiecare zi un atlet profesionist primește o a doua șansă de a-și urmări visurile după ce o accidentare i-a zdruncinat prima carieră. Dar pentru Andrei Daescu, asta s-a întâmplat exact când a descoperit sportul în creștere rapidă pickleball în 2016. Acum, la doar câțiva ani distanță, românul în vârstă de 35 de ani a urcat rapid devenind unul dintre cei mai buni jucători profesioniști din acest joc.

O dragoste timpurie pentru sport Crescut în Europa de Est, Daescu a fost un talentat jucător de tenis junior cu viziuni de a deveni profesionist de la o vârstă fragedă. Acele vise s-au împlinit când a obținut o bursă pentru a juca tenis la Universitatea din Oklahoma.

"A fost un program grozav cu facilități fantastice și un mediu ultracompetitiv", își amintește Daescu. "Experiența universitară din OU a fost tot ce mi-aș fi putut dori pentru a mă pregăti pentru circuitele profesioniste."

Devenind profesionist După absolvire, Daescu s-a alăturat circuitului profesionist de tenis și a concurat timp de patru ani înainte ca o accidentare recurentă la umăr să-l forțeze să se supună unei intervenții chirurgicale și să se retragă din activitate în 2015, la vârsta de 28 de ani. Pentru majoritatea atleților, acela ar fi fost sfârșitul călătoriei lor sportive profesioniste. Dar focul competitiv al lui Daescu încă ardea puternic.

Descoperirea pickleball-ului La sfârșitul anului 2016, în timp ce lucra ca instructor la un club de tenis din Florida, Daescu a fost introdus în pickleball de către niște membri ai clubului care jucaseră acest sport pe o navă de croazieră. Ei l-au încurajat pe Daescu și pe ceilalți antrenori să li se alăture pentru un eveniment demonstrativ dublu.

"La început am fost sceptic - vreau să zic, numele 'pickleball' nu inspiră neapărat viziuni de atletism de elită," glumește Daescu. "Dar odată ce am pășit pe acel teren, am rămas instantaneu îndrăgostit de avalanșa competitivă și nuanțele strategice ale jocului. M-am înscris la primul meu turneu la doar două săptămâni distanță."

Un talent ascendent Ceea ce a început ca un nou hobby plăcut s-a transformat rapid în mult mai mult pentru hipercompetitivul Daescu. Cu coordonarea sa mână-ochi de elită, viteza fulgerătoare și mentalitatea tenace închegate din anii petrecuți pe circuitele de tenis, el a fost un natural pe terenul de pickleball aproape din prima zi în care a apucat o rachetă.

"Lucrul frumos la pickleball este că, deși mișcarea în sine nu este la fel de solicitantă ca la tenis, tot necesită o intensitate, o condiție fizică și o măiestrie tactică incredibile la cele mai înalte niveluri," explică Daescu. "Abilitățile s-au transferat surprinzător de bine pentru mine."

Pe măsură ce Daescu a reprezentat faptul că asemănările dintre cele două sporturi cu rachetă i-au permis să progreseze rapid, el a început să acumuleze victorii în turnee într-un ritm uimitor pe circuitele regionale și naționale.

Alăturarea circuitului profesionist Când marile tururi profesioniste de pickleball precum PPA Tour și Major League Pickleball au fost stabilite în 2021 cu premii mai mari și sponsorizări corporatiste, Daescu și-a dat seama că își găsise noua chemare.

"În 2019, am decis să devin serios și să mă dedic în totalitate jucătorului profesionist de pickleball", spune el. "Între turneele stabilite, potențialul premiilor în bani și cât de mult m-am îndrăgostit de amestecul dintre rezistența fizică și strălucirea strategică a acestui joc, a fost o decizie ușoară pentru mine."

De atunci, cota lui Daescu a continuat să crească, cu victorii de mare profil și contracte de sponsorizare curgând. În acest an, el a fost cu siguranță cel mai fierbinte jucător de pe circuitul profesionist, clasat în prezent pe locul #2 la dublu masculin profesionist după ce s-a alăturat colegului de turneu

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