Thursday, August 15, 2024

2024 MLP Kansas City Saudi Money 💰 | This Pickleball Life


Pickleball's Global Ambitions and Growing Pains

From Olympic Dreams to Equipment Controversies, the Sport Grapples with Rapid Growth

In the latest episode of "This Pickleball Life," co-hosts Jill Braverman and Kristin Walla dive deep into the world of professional pickleball, discussing everything from international tournaments to equipment regulations. As the sport continues its meteoric rise, it faces both exciting opportunities and significant challenges.

  1. Coming Up, 0:00, The hosts tease upcoming topics, including the globalization of pickleball and recent Major League Pickleball (MLP) events.
  2. Kristin is taking partner applications (LOL), 2:50, Kristin humorously announces she's accepting partner applications for an upcoming tournament, highlighting the community aspect of the sport.
  3. Airbender, 4:00, The hosts discuss the Airbender paddle, emphasizing its popularity among listeners and its versatility as an all-court option.
  4. Mizuno Giveaway, 6:07, A shoe giveaway from Mizuno is announced, demonstrating the growing involvement of major sports brands in pickleball.
  5. Kansas Bloodbath?, 6:46, The hosts reflect on the one-year anniversary of a significant player conflict in Kansas, which sparked discussions about player salaries and team allegiances.
  6. Incentive Talk, 8:30, A conversation about player incentives and guaranteed salaries in professional pickleball leagues highlights the sport's evolving economic landscape.
  7. Will PB ever get to the Olympics?, 12:32, The hosts explore the challenges pickleball faces in its quest for Olympic recognition, including issues with global federations and international adoption.
  8. What would you change about pb?, 13:10, Jill suggests improving pickleball broadcasts to better capture the sport's athleticism and excitement.
  9. ICYMI, 15:40, The hosts discuss recent developments, including pickleball's inclusion in the Maccabiah Games, showcasing the sport's growing international presence.
  10. Biohacks of the Week, 21:30, Jill shares personal experiences with recovery techniques, highlighting the increasing focus on player health and performance in pickleball.
  11. MLP SLC, 26:45, The hosts review the recent Major League Pickleball event in Salt Lake City, discussing team dynamics and standout performances.
  12. MLP Kansas, 33:28, A brief overview of the MLP Kansas event is provided, touching on the challenges of outdoor play and player illness.
  13. Waiver Wire & MLP Drama, 35:43, The hosts discuss recent roster changes in MLP and the resulting drama, illustrating the growing pains of professional pickleball leagues.
  14. More MLP Drama, 41:30, Further discussion of controversies within MLP, including player conduct and team dynamics, highlights the challenges of managing a rapidly growing professional league.
  15. Let's talk about tanking, 45:00, The hosts explore the concept of "tanking" in pickleball, discussing its causes and potential solutions.
  16. Paddle Talk, 47:10, A conversation about paddle regulations and the need for transparency from governing bodies underscores the ongoing equipment debates in pickleball.
  17. Why is it so easy to lose to worse players?, 56:44, The hosts offer advice on maintaining composure and dictating play when facing unorthodox opponents, providing valuable insights for players of all levels.

Pickleball's Growing Pains: From Olympic Dreams to Equipment Debates

Industry Insiders Jill Braverman and Kristin Walla Discuss the Sport's Rapid Evolution and Challenges

As pickleball continues its meteoric rise in popularity, the sport finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with issues ranging from Olympic aspirations to equipment regulations. In a recent episode of "This Pickleball Life," co-hosts Jill Braverman and Kristin Walla delve into these topics, offering insider perspectives on the state of professional pickleball and its future.

The episode kicks off with a discussion of pickleball's global ambitions, particularly its inclusion in the Maccabiah Games, often referred to as the "Jewish Olympics." This development highlights the sport's growing international presence, but also raises questions about its Olympic prospects. As Braverman notes, "ESP did an Instagram post that said 'Will pickleball be in the Olympics?' and here's why it probably won't. It detailed the issues with the global federations and the adoption internationally that needs to occur."

The hosts also tackle the controversial topic of player incentives and guaranteed salaries in professional leagues like Major League Pickleball (MLP). Walla observes, "I thought that there was also supposed to be some quarterly performance bonuses, and I don't know if those have been those have been paid out." This conversation underscores the evolving economic landscape of professional pickleball and the challenges of creating sustainable business models for leagues and players alike.

Equipment regulations emerge as another hot-button issue, with Braverman revealing her efforts to obtain information about paddle specifications from USA Pickleball. "I have been texting with Carl Schmid's director of equipment for USA pickleball asking where the 18-month D list list is," she says, highlighting the need for transparency in the sport's governance. The hosts discuss the potential impact of equipment regulations on manufacturers and players, drawing parallels to similar debates in golf.

The episode also sheds light on the growing pains of professional pickleball leagues, particularly MLP. Recent roster changes and player conduct controversies have sparked discussions about league management and player professionalism. As Walla points out, "Many like trades and roster changes it makes falling in love with what I think is the best format in pickleball really tough."

One of the most intriguing topics covered is the phenomenon of "tanking" in pickleball. The hosts explore the psychological aspects of this behavior, with Braverman suggesting, "I think tanking occurs when it's just too painful to a self-defense mechanism. It's a total self-defense mechanism. It's like I could care and be hurt, or I can be so cool, so above all of this, this is so beneath me that I'm not going to care, I'm not going to try, and it's not going to hurt me."

The episode concludes with valuable advice for players struggling against unorthodox opponents. Braverman emphasizes the importance of maintaining composure and dictating play, stating, "You have to learn how to find the calm and the madness. You cannot let anyone dictate your pace of play."

Throughout the discussion, it becomes clear that pickleball is experiencing growing pains typical of a rapidly expanding sport. The challenges of creating fair compensation structures, managing equipment regulations, and maintaining competitive integrity are all symptoms of pickleball's evolution from a casual pastime to a professional sport with global ambitions.

As the sport continues to grow, it will need to address these issues head-on. Transparency from governing bodies, clear communication with players and fans, and a willingness to adapt will be crucial in navigating these challenges. The insights provided by Braverman and Walla offer a valuable perspective on the current state of pickleball and the work that lies ahead.

Despite the challenges, the overall tone of the episode remains optimistic. The hosts' enthusiasm for the sport is evident, and they seem confident in pickleball's ability to overcome its growing pains. As Braverman reminds listeners at the end of the episode, "Pickleball is joy. Don't let anyone tell you differently." This sentiment encapsulates the spirit that has driven pickleball's popularity and will likely continue to fuel its growth in the years to come.

As pickleball stands at this critical juncture, the conversations happening within the community, as exemplified by "This Pickleball Life," will play a crucial role in shaping the sport's future. By addressing these challenges openly and honestly, pickleball can continue its upward trajectory while maintaining the joy and inclusivity that have made it so popular.

0:00 Coming Up 2:50 Kristin is taking partner applications (LOL) 4:00 Airbender 6:07 Mizuno Giveaway 6:46 Kansas Bloodbath? 8:30 Incentive Talk 12:32 Will PB ever get to the Olympics? 13:10 What would you change about pb? 15:40 ICYMI 21:30 Biohacks of the Week 26:45 MLP SLC 33:28 MLP Kansas 35:43 Waiver Wire & MLP Drama 41:30 More MLP Drama 45:00 Let’s talk about tanking 47:10 Paddle Talk 56:44 Why is it so easy to lose to worse players?

Pickleball Goes Global: The Significance of Its Inclusion in the Maccabiah Games

How a Niche Sport Is Rapidly Expanding Its International Footprint and What It Means for the Future of Pickleball

In a recent episode of "This Pickleball Life," hosts Jill Braverman and Kristin Walla delved into a development that marks a significant milestone in pickleball's journey towards global recognition: its inclusion in the Maccabiah Games. This decision not only highlights the sport's growing international appeal but also opens up new avenues for its expansion on the world stage. As Braverman excitedly notes, "Pickleball is going global, y'all!" This in-depth analysis explores the implications of this development and what it means for the future of pickleball. (Maccabi USA Press Release)

The Maccabiah Games: A Stepping Stone to Global Recognition

The Maccabiah Games, often referred to as the "Jewish Olympics," holds a prestigious place in the world of international sports competitions. As Walla points out, "People don't know this, but those games are actually the second largest sporting event in the world. It's only behind the Olympics." This statement underscores the significance of pickleball's inclusion in such a high-profile event.

The decision to include pickleball in the Maccabiah Games is a testament to the sport's rapid growth and increasing popularity worldwide. It provides a platform for pickleball to showcase itself to a diverse, international audience, potentially attracting new players and fans from various countries.

Implications for Pickleball's International Development

The inclusion in the Maccabiah Games could serve as a catalyst for pickleball's further international development. As Braverman mentions, "I was actually just invited to participate in the China Open December 4th through 8th, which is really exciting." This comment highlights how the sport is already making inroads in countries beyond its North American stronghold.

This international expansion could lead to:

  1. Increased global participation: Exposure at events like the Maccabiah Games could inspire more countries to embrace pickleball, leading to a surge in international players.
  2. Standardization of rules and equipment: As the sport grows globally, there may be a push for more standardized rules and equipment specifications across different countries and tournaments.
  3. Development of international competitions: The success at the Maccabiah Games could pave the way for more international pickleball tournaments and leagues.
  4. Cultural exchange through sport: Pickleball could become a medium for cultural exchange, bringing together players from diverse backgrounds.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the inclusion in the Maccabiah Games is a significant step forward, it also brings to light some challenges that pickleball must address as it expands globally:

  1. Infrastructure development: Many countries may lack the necessary facilities and equipment for pickleball. There will be a need for investment in courts and training facilities.
  2. Coaching and player development: As the sport grows internationally, there will be a demand for qualified coaches and structured player development programs in new markets.
  3. Balancing growth with maintaining the sport's essence: As Braverman emphasizes throughout the podcast, "Pickleball is joy. Don't let anyone tell you differently." As the sport grows, it will be crucial to maintain this joyful essence while adapting to the demands of international competition.
  4. Navigating different sporting cultures: Each country has its own sporting culture and preferences. Pickleball will need to find ways to integrate into these diverse sporting landscapes.

The Olympic Dream

While the Maccabiah Games inclusion is a significant achievement, many in the pickleball community have their sights set on an even bigger goal: Olympic recognition. However, as the hosts discuss, this remains a challenging prospect. Braverman mentions an ESPN post that outlined why pickleball might not make it to the Olympics soon, citing "issues with the global federations and the adoption internationally that needs to occur."

This highlights the need for pickleball to continue its international expansion and develop robust global governing structures to be considered for Olympic inclusion. The success at events like the Maccabiah Games could be crucial in building the case for pickleball as an Olympic sport.

The Role of Professional Players and Leagues

As pickleball expands internationally, professional players and leagues will play a crucial role in promoting the sport. The hosts discuss various aspects of professional pickleball throughout the episode, including player incentives, league structures, and equipment regulations. These elements will all need to be considered and potentially standardized as the sport grows globally.

Braverman's invitation to the China Open is an example of how professional players can act as ambassadors for the sport, helping to introduce pickleball to new markets and inspire local players.


The inclusion of pickleball in the Maccabiah Games represents a significant milestone in the sport's journey towards global recognition. It opens up new opportunities for growth, cultural exchange, and international competition. However, it also presents challenges that the pickleball community will need to address as the sport expands its global footprint.

As Braverman and Walla's enthusiastic discussion shows, there's a palpable excitement about pickleball's future on the world stage. The sport's ability to bring joy to players of all levels remains its core strength, and this quality will be crucial in driving its international growth.

While the road to becoming a truly global sport - and potentially an Olympic one - may be long, pickleball's inclusion in the Maccabiah Games is a clear sign that it's heading in the right direction. As the pickleball community continues to navigate these exciting developments, it will be fascinating to see how the sport evolves and adapts to its growing international presence.

Pickleball's $15 Million Game Changer: The PWR World Tour Series Shakes Up the Sport

A Deep Dive into the Bombshell Announcement That's Redefining Professional Pickleball

Introduction: In a groundbreaking development for the world of pickleball, the PWR World Tour Series has announced a staggering $15 million prize pool for its inaugural season. This revelation, discussed at the 16:19 mark of "This Pickleball Life" podcast by hosts Jill Braverman and Kristin Walla, marks a seismic shift in the professional pickleball landscape. With five events planned across six continents, this new tour is not just raising the stakes for players—it's catapulting pickleball onto the global stage in unprecedented fashion. As Braverman excitedly declares, "Pickleball is going global, y'all!" This article delves into the implications of this massive prize purse, exploring how it might reshape the sport's future, impact player dynamics, and potentially alter the balance of power in professional pickleball.

The PWR World Tour Series: A New Era of Professional Pickleball

The announcement of the PWR World Tour Series, backed by Saudi Prince Saud Bin Mishal Al Saud, represents a paradigm shift in professional pickleball. With $15 million in prize money spread across five events on six continents, this tour is positioning itself as a major player in the sport's global expansion. (PWN Launch Presentaltion 2.5+ hours)

Key aspects of the PWR World Tour Series:

  1. Global Reach: Events planned across six continents, truly internationalizing the sport.
  2. Unprecedented Prize Money: $15 million dwarfs current prize pools in pickleball.
  3. High-Profile Backing: Support from a Saudi Prince lends financial clout and international attention.

Impact on Players and Existing Tours

The introduction of such a lucrative tour is likely to have far-reaching effects on professional players and existing pickleball organizations:

  1. Player Incentives: The massive prize pool could draw top talent away from existing tours and leagues. As Braverman notes, "They're definitely going to motivate these 200 plus signed exclusive ATP players to want to go play here, to want to not miss out on $15 million of prize money."
  2. Competition for Talent: Existing organizations like Major League Pickleball (MLP) and the Association of Pickleball Professionals (APP) may need to reassess their compensation structures to retain top players.
  3. Schedule Conflicts: Players may face tough decisions about which events to prioritize, potentially leading to schedule conflicts and divided loyalties.
  4. Career Sustainability: The increased prize money could make professional pickleball a more viable career option for a larger number of players.

Global Expansion and Its Challenges

The PWR World Tour's international focus aligns with pickleball's growing global ambitions:

  1. Market Development: Events across multiple continents could help develop new pickleball markets and fan bases.
  2. Infrastructure Needs: Host countries may need to invest in pickleball facilities and infrastructure to accommodate high-level tournaments.
  3. Cultural Adaptation: The sport may need to adapt its presentation and marketing to resonate with diverse international audiences.
  4. Regulatory Hurdles: International expansion may require navigation of various countries' sports regulations and governance structures.

Potential Partnerships and Power Dynamics

The hosts discuss the tour's potential partnerships and how they might reshape the pickleball landscape:

  1. USA Pickleball (USAP) Talks: Braverman mentions, "PWR is actually talking to the USAP," suggesting potential collaboration with the sport's governing body in the US.
  2. Dupr Rating System: The tour's partnership with Dupr, a player rating system, could influence how player performance is measured and ranked globally.
  3. Competition with Existing Tours: The PWR World Tour's resources could position it as a formidable competitor to established organizations like the APP.

Challenges and Considerations

While the $15 million prize pool is undoubtedly exciting, it also raises several questions and potential challenges:

  1. Sustainability: Can such high prize money be sustained long-term, and what are the funding sources beyond initial investments?
  2. Player Contracts: How will existing player contracts with other leagues be affected, and could legal challenges arise?
  3. Competitive Balance: Will the high prizes lead to a concentration of top talent, potentially affecting competitive balance in the sport?
  4. Grassroots Impact: How will this high-stakes professional tour impact the grassroots growth of pickleball?
  5. Integrity Measures: With higher stakes comes a greater need for robust integrity measures to prevent match-fixing or other ethical issues.


The PWR World Tour Series and its $15 million prize pool represent a watershed moment for professional pickleball. This development has the potential to accelerate the sport's global growth, provide new opportunities for players, and reshape the competitive landscape. However, it also presents challenges that the pickleball community will need to navigate carefully.

As the sport stands at this crossroads, the words of Jill Braverman resonate: "Pickleball is going global." The coming months and years will reveal how this bold new tour will integrate into the existing pickleball ecosystem and whether it will indeed be the catalyst that propels pickleball to new heights on the world stage. One thing is certain: the announcement of the PWR World Tour Series has ensured that all eyes in the sports world will be watching pickleball's next moves with keen interest.

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